O kitą dieną Velingtono laikraštis "Dominion Post" išspausdino šį straipsnelį:
Finding a car park in Wellington can put drivers in some precarious positions
But the driver of this vehicle wasn't behind the wheel when it careered down her driveway while she got out to check the mail at her Newlands property just after 5pm yesterday.
Neighbours said they heard a crash and rushed to see what had happened, and found the car "on its nose".
"She was so lucky that no one was injured," one witness said.
A neighbour who was hanging her washing out at the time of the incident said that she saw the wayward car crash into the woman's house.
Neighbours thought the driver had put the handbrake on but it had failed, causing the car to roll down the steep driveway into the Cheltenham St property.
Two fire engines and two ambulances attended and a crane was called in to remove the car from its insecure position. An ambulance spokeswoman confirmed that no one was hurt.
Taigi, būna ir taip. Istorijos moralas: nebūkit tinginiai ir pašto dėžutę pasitikrinkit jau saugiai pastatę mašiną į garažą.
Vakarykštis įvykis mūsų gatvėje man priminė mano liūdną nuotykį su priekaba, kuri sulaužė man raktikaulį irgi taip nuo kalnelio riedėdama... Tada tai važiavau "pasivažinėt su greituke, o greitosios gydytojai dar ir per dantį mane patraukė, atsieit visą balioną tų "stebuklingųjų dujų" sukvėpavau...
Mano istorijos moralas toks: neklausykit stipriosios lyties atstovų kurie bando jus įtikinti, kad įmanoma dviese į kalnelį užstumti gana nemažą priekabaitę pilną žemių...
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